
Picture Privacy Panels

Picture perfect!

Custom image application now available with the INTAVISTA range!

Thoughtful product design can be instrumental to recovery in mental health applications. Adding artwork or imagery to door vision panels can be an ideal opportunity to add a splash of colour and vibrancy, helping to reduce that institutional impression.

A variety of artwork can be used, including customers own designs. Please contact us for further information.

Blackout vs. White Frost Privacy Panels

INTAVISTA Privacy Panels

Blackout vs White Frost, Flush Fit, 250 x 800mm

A recent theatre refurbishment project at Southampton Hospital showcased excellent use of both Blackout and White Frost finishes, all within the same theatre suite.

In line with HTM guidance, privacy panels fitted between the theatre and surrounding prep rooms were specified as White Frost, to maximise light transmission through the hospital, however privacy panels fitted between the theatre and surrounding corridors were specified as Blackout, to reduce distraction to theatre staff from passing corridor foot traffic.